Nomad home finding service

Settling into a new country can be complicated and stressful. Sovereign Landing is a new service – a landing service – to smooth your way into living in new countries, without all the usual stress.

Find a home before even landing

Get help settling in

Avoid hassle and scams

Never heard of a "landing service?"

The word “landing service” refers to arriving to a new country by airplane without carrying all your past belongings with you – perhaps even coming with hand luggage only. This service is about enabling light travel, instead of coming with a moving truck.

Our service is aimed at people looking to spend between 2-6 months in a country, while treating it as their primary residence – even when it is not meant to be long-term. The goal is that you should be able to move between countries with no more than light personal items, and be already settled in before you even land in a new country.

Settling in before landing... is that even possible?

We work with local partners who can get things set up for you before you land. Arriving for an extended stay with hand luggage only hasn’t really been feasible with just daily rentals, and certainly not with traditional rental market. We bridge this gap, and make the location independent lifestyle truly stress-free.

Our service is geared 100% to supporting a location independent lifestyle, from pre-landing to leaving again for a new place, making this lifestyle easy to sustain indefinitely.

Never heard of a "landing service?"

The word “landing service” refers to arriving to a new country by airplane without carrying all your past belongings with you – perhaps even coming with hand luggage only. This service is about enabling light travel, instead of coming with a moving truck.

Our service is aimed at people looking to spend between 2-6 months in a country, while treating it as their primary residence – even when it is not meant to be long-term. The goal is that you should be able to move between countries with no more than light personal items, and be already settled in before you even land in a new country.

Settling in before landing... is that even possible?

We work with local partners who can get things set up for you before you land. Arriving for an extended stay with hand luggage only hasn’t really been feasible with just daily rentals, and certainly not with traditional rental market. We bridge this gap, and make the location independent lifestyle truly stress-free.

Our service is geared 100% to supporting a location independent lifestyle, from pre-landing to leaving again for a new place, making this lifestyle easy to sustain indefinitely.

Short- and medium-term housing solution comparison

Many people prefer to own their home, but that’s probably not feasible unless you’re planning to stay in a country for years. Your renting options used to be hotels/Airbnb’s (daily rentals) or longer-term traditional renting. Sovereign Landing is a new way to rent. Let’s compare the details!

Daily rentals

Geared towards vacationers, and not perfect if planning to stay for months. Renting through Airbnb or is often ok for shorter stays, but the longer you stay, the less optimal it gets. The quality also varies widely. We can help you with these nonetheless!

Expensive for longer stays
Quality issues
Long bookings can be a risk

Sovereign Landing

We navigate the local rental market for you, and can negotiate shorter leases for prices usually available only with long-term contracts. Avoid the hassle and scams, and get access to the non-English speaking portion of the market. You can even choose a reliable place online before arriving!

Choose a place online
Flexible & fair contracts
Stress & scam-free experience!

Traditional renting

When you’re on your own in a foreign country, the market can be difficult to access. You need to avoid scams, with stress and hassle levels through the roof. Your negotiating position with the landlords is challenging, and you may need to accept unnecessarily long contracts.

Beware of scams!
Language barrier
Overly long contracts

Daily rentals

Geared towards vacationers, and not perfect if planning to stay for months. Renting through Airbnb or is often ok for shorter stays, but the longer you stay, the less optimal it gets. The quality also varies widely. We can help you with these nonetheless!

Expensive for longer stays
Quality issues
Long bookings can be a risk

Traditional renting

When you’re on your own in a foreign country, the market can be difficult to access. You need to avoid scams, with stress and hassle levels through the roof. Your negotiating position with the landlords is challenging, and you may need to accept unnecessarily long contracts.

Beware of scams!
Language barrier
Overly long contracts

Sovereign Landing

We navigate the local rental market for you, and can negotiate shorter leases for prices usually available only with long-term contracts. Avoid the hassle and scams, and get access to the non-English speaking portion of the market. You can even choose a reliable place online before arriving!

Choose a place online
Flexible & fair contracts
Stress & scam-free experience!

Our core service

  • Select your home fully online
  • Basic amenities listing and sourcing
  • Smooth welcome package
  • All 100% guaranteed hassle-free!

In practice it goes like this...

You hire our local agent to find a home for you on the local open market. The local agent does the home search for you before you even arrive. Then, fully online, you choose where to live based on video tours that include the surroundings of the places – not just the interiors!

The local agent also helps you set up the place the way you want it, without you having to figure out where to get all the necessities in a new country. All you need to do is arrive!

Our Locations

Tbilisi, Georgia

The plan


Ehm… we would like to have our service available everywhere you go!

For now we have it available everywhere you’re going… sort of… as long as your plan is to come to Tbilisi!

Other locations are definitely in the works, so if Tbilisi isn’t in your near future plans, sign up for updates on new locations!

Tbilisi, Georgia

The plan


Ehm… we would like to have our service available everywhere you go!

For now we have it available everywhere you’re going… sort of… as long as your plan is to come to Tbilisi!

Other locations are definitely in the works, so if Tbilisi isn’t in your near future plans, sign up for updates on new locations!

Quick FAQ

Is this like a relocation service?

A bit like that, but not exactly the same. The main difference comes down to the duration of the move, and from that follows a bunch of other differences. Relocation services are geared towards permanent or long-term movers, or what you could call “traditional movers”. They’re people who get a new job in a new place, take everything they own and move to that new place to stay.

That’s a completely different situation from someone who’s only planning to be in one place for a relatively short period. There may be some relocation services well suited to serving people with nomadic lifestyle, while some might not know how to serve them at all – or they can be anything inbetween. In any case, traditional relocation services tend to be specific to a certain location – it’s harder to get the continuity that we’re aiming for. Traditional relocation is just a different thing.

A concierge service perhaps then?

Yes, a concierge element is definitely part of our service – effectively you hire a local concierge. The difference is that concierge services tend to be fully customized, “ask us anything and we will then figure out how to do it” kind of thing. The downside of that is that the service quality can vary, and it tends to be an expensive way of doing things. The existing concierge solutions often come with an annual subscription and a 5 figure price tag. We are more focused and systematic with our core service, and are able to offer it to you at a much lower price, with consistent quality.

Can I use this service if I plan to stay longer than 6 months?

Absolutely! We can find you a place to stay for longer, and it’s actually easier because landlords tend to favor longer contracts. There’s no requirement to be nomadic, we can still help you just the same.

Do you promise to find me a perfect place to live?

Unfortunately that’s bit of a tall order. Just as there is no such thing as a perfect country, there is no such thing as a perfect place to stay – there are always some trade-offs. What we do is make it clear to you what you will be getting, with the pros and cons. This is something that is almost impossible to do online-only with traditional services. The incentive structure of the existing rental platforms pushes them to maximize (short-term) revenue, instead of being on your side even if the place is completely unsuitable for living in.

Traditionally, to find a good place to live, you’ve had to have visited it yourself to make sure everything is as was implied online. Sometimes you’re painted one picture online, and the reality can be something quite different. Our job is to make sure you get the real picture, without having to visit the place in person (although you can if you want – we don’t push you to commit to any place just online).

Quick FAQ

Is this like a relocation service?

A bit like that, but not exactly the same. The main difference comes down to the duration of the move, and from that follows a bunch of other differences. Relocation services are geared towards permanent or long-term movers, or what you could call “traditional movers”. They’re people who get a new job in a new place, take everything they own and move to that new place to stay.

That’s a completely different situation from someone who’s only planning to be in one place for a relatively short period. There may be some relocation services well suited to serving people with nomadic lifestyle, while some might not know how to serve them at all – or they can be anything inbetween. In any case, traditional relocation services tend to be specific to a certain location – it’s harder to get the continuity that we’re aiming for. Traditional relocation is just a different thing.

A concierge service perhaps then?

Yes, a concierge element is definitely part of our service – effectively you hire a local concierge. The difference is that concierge services tend to be fully customized, “ask us anything and we will then figure out how to do it” kind of thing. The downside of that is that the service quality can vary, and it tends to be an expensive way of doing things. The existing concierge solutions often come with an annual subscription and a 5 figure price tag. We are more focused and systematic with our core service, and are able to offer it to you at a much lower price, with consistent quality.

Can I use this service if I plan to stay longer than 6 months?

Absolutely! We can find you a place to stay for longer, and it’s actually easier because landlords tend to favor longer contracts. There’s no requirement to be nomadic, we can still help you just the same.

Do you promise to find me a perfect place to live?

Unfortunately that’s bit of a tall order. Just as there is no such thing as a perfect country, there is no such thing as a perfect place to stay – there are always some trade-offs. What we do is make it clear to you what you will be getting, with the pros and cons. This is something that is almost impossible to do online-only with traditional services. The incentive structure of the existing rental platforms pushes them to maximize (short-term) revenue, instead of being on your side even if the place is completely unsuitable for living in.

Traditionally, to find a good place to live, you’ve had to have visited it yourself to make sure everything is as was implied online. Sometimes you’re painted one picture online, and the reality can be something quite different. Our job is to make sure you get the real picture, without having to visit the place in person (although you can if you want – we don’t push you to commit to any place just online).

Sovereign Landing services and pricing

Daily rental testing

If you’re planning to stay for 1-3 months, going through the process of setting up a full rental apartment might not be worth it.  We can help you with short-term rentals as well, and scout them out locally in person. We make sure everything is as it should be for your arrival. Read more below!

Coming soon!

Local rental finding

For stays of 3 months or longer, daily rentals usually aren’t the best choice. It’s best to skip the daily rental platforms, and to get something priced for locals from the open market. This is our main service! We help you find and scout out a place that you can really call a home, and set it up like you want it.


Ongoing support

After finding an apartment and getting the basics set up, the todo-list doesn’t end there. As a busy professional, sitting in traffic running errands probably isn’t the best use of your time. If it’s not something you absolutely have to do in person, let us handle it! Our team can get pretty much anything done, from shopping to managing household services.

Coming... at some point 😉

(meanwhile, you can discuss details with your local agent)

Daily rental testing

If you’re planning to stay for 1-3 months, going through the process of setting up a full rental apartment might not be worth it.  We can help you with short-term rentals as well, and scout them out locally in person. We make sure everything is as it should be for your arrival. Read more below!

Coming soon!

Local rental finding

For stays of 3 months or longer, daily rentals usually aren’t the best choice. It’s best to skip the daily rental platforms, and to get something priced for locals from the open market. This is our main service! We help you find and scout out a place that you can really call a home, and set it up like you want it.


Ongoing support

After finding an apartment and getting the basics set up, the todo-list doesn’t end there. As a busy professional, sitting in traffic running errands probably isn’t the best use of your time. If it’s not something you absolutely have to do in person, let us handle it! Our team can get pretty much anything done, from shopping to managing household services.

Coming soon!

(meanwhile, you can discuss details with your local agent)

More about our services

Daily rental testing service

Coming soon! The price will be “quite low + the price of 1-night booking” 🙂

If you’re only planning to stay for a relatively short time, daily rentals can be an easy and cost-efficient solution, but there’s a dilemma. The quality of the apartments in and Airbnb is pretty good… usually, but not always. Not necessarily even with the places with good reviews. You need to decide whether to:

1) Make a binding booking for the whole duration of your stay (risking that you get stuck with a place with problems) or…

2) Wait to inspect it in person, risking that someone else books it for some or all of the days you were planning to be there?

Why don’t you just send us there to check out that the place really is livable? This also allows you to consider places with less reviews. Know what you’re getting into!

Local rental search

$299.00 $199.00

Our main service allows you access to the local rental market as if you were already in your planned location, with boots on the ground like a local. We go through all the trouble of finding you a real home to stay in, from just a few months to however long you’d like to stay.

Skip all the endless scrolling in local rental boards built on 20 year old technology, with usually inadequate and unreliable information. You need someone local who can figure out what the places are really like, and check them out in person, creating a video for you showing not just what the place looks like in the inside, but what the surroundings are like.

Are you moving to a place that looks good in the inside, but is located right next to a noisy construction yard? Or just happens to be in dodgy area? These things are often impossible to figure out based on the online portals, so save yourself a ton of headache and hire local help!

Local rental search - how we find your home

Click the steps open to see the details!

Step 1. You fill our intake form.

The form is designed to be easy to fill and lets you describe what you need – or if you don’t like to do this in writing, we can also go through things in a call. Or both. You can choose.

Step 2. We contact you to confirm our availability and discuss the next steps.

We review your intake form and ensure that we can deliver what you need in the time that we have – if not, it’s best to make this clear as soon as possible!

In the most likely case that we can help you, we will let you know about the details of the next steps, timetables etc.

Step 3. Your local home finder sends you videos and other information on the available places.

We scout out the apartments on the local open market and send you videos on the ones that fit your criteria. The point here is to provide you with all of the information that you would get by being present in person. That way you can choose your home before arriving (you can also come see the place yourself before committing, no pressure!).

This step also includes documenting what exact level of “furnished” each apartment is – this can vary widely. There are places with everything you need, and places with just the stuff that requires two people to carry, and everything inbetween. We have a list of things that should be included in any furnished apartment (these depend on whether there is a kitchen, etc), and will discuss with the landlord if there are clear basics missing.

Then there are items that go beyond the basics – for example, things like a standing desk. Personally, I (Jaakko) consider it essential, but I wouldn’t demand my landlord to pay for one. We can help you source these items before you arrive so that everything is set up the way you want it.

Please note that only the “basics list” is included in the price of this service – shopping for the rest is billed separately (you pay for the time and items).

Step 4. When a place is found, you sign the rental agreement online (or in person).

The goal of our service is to enable you to do everything online, and we have systems in place that let you to sign the rental agreement online. This is when money changes hands. 

Being able to do this whole process online is an incredible saver of time, energy and hassle. This way you can just arrive and come straight to your new home, with everything set up. This can easily save you a month of time in a new country!

Safe online renting guarantee policy

In order to make it safe to rent a place online, we have a quarantee policy:

If, for whatever reason, you’re not happy with the place when you arrive, you can get out of any long-term rental agreement just by paying the rent for that month. We don’t ask you to commit to anything long-term without seeing the place. Of course, our job is to make sure that everything is as is promised and there are no surprises, but sometimes things just happen outside of anyone’s control. With this policy, you won’t be on the hook.

Of course, if there’s something clearly wrong with the place, it would be unfair to ask you to even pay for the one month. See scenario examples below!

A "one month rent only" scenario

You may have been under a lot of stress when preparing to move, and may not have had the mental space to fully focus on all the tiny details (been there!). The apartment you’ve rented through us is as described, and everything is… fine… but you just don’t feel the place as your own.

While we fully understand that this can happen, our partnering landlord might be unhappy with us for having taken their place off the market and keeping it reserved, just to have the deal fall through for no reason on their part.

For us, these situations are fine and we will definitely help you find another place. It’s also fair to compensate the landlord for their lost earnings, and this is why the one month rent is reasonable. We will do our best to figure out what would suit you better, and get back to work on finding a place that is a better fit for you.

A "money back" scenario

Let’s say that there was an apartment that was otherwise great, but it’s summer and air conditioning hasn’t yet been installed. We do all of our usual due diligence, everything checks out and the landlord agrees to have the air conditioning installed the day before you arrive.

He gets an external crew to do the installation, and gives them keys to get the job done on their own. Then, these guys decide that it’s cool to smoke indoors while they do the installation (this example wouldn’t even be that far fetched in Tbilisi!). When you arrive, the place has a horrible smell, and you know that if you stayed the smell would seep through into all of your clothes. We wouldn’t expect you to stay, or pay for the place!

In this scenario, it would fall on us to quickly find you an alternative temporary accommodation (not paying to rent one, but to help you find one). You would be bumped up first on our priority list of finding another long term rental, pronto.

Depending on how you feel this process goes, you can pay either nothing or something – while this scenario may not literally “be our fault”, it is our job to prevent these kinds of scenarios from happening in the first place. So, you decide whether we succeeded in creating value for you or not – and pay accordingly.

We are not here to make a quick buck. Instead, we really want to earn your long-term trust – that’s where the real value is. This is why our refunds policy is very much on your side – either we really earn your money, or you don’t need to pay.

Local rental search - how we find your home

Click the steps open to see the details!

Step 1. You fill our intake form.

The form is designed to be easy to fill and lets you describe what you need – or if you don’t like to do this in writing, we can also go through things in a call. Or both. You can choose.

Step 2. We contact you to confirm our availability and discuss the next steps.

We review your intake form and ensure that we can deliver what you need in the time that we have – if not, it’s best to make this clear as soon as possible!

In the most likely case that we can help you, we will let you know about the details of the next steps, timetables etc.

Step 3. Your local home finder sends you videos and other information on the available places.

We scout out the apartments on the local open market and send you videos on the ones that fit your criteria. The point here is to provide you with all of the information that you would get by being present in person. That way you can choose your home before arriving (you can also come see the place yourself before committing, no pressure!).

This step also includes documenting what exact level of “furnished” each apartment is – this can vary widely. There are places with everything you need, and places with just the stuff that requires two people to carry, and everything inbetween. We have a list of things that should be included in any furnished apartment (these depend on whether there is a kitchen, etc), and will discuss with the landlord if there are clear basics missing.

Then there are items that go beyond the basics – for example, things like a standing desk. Personally, I (Jaakko) consider it essential, but I wouldn’t demand my landlord to pay for one. We can help you source these items before you arrive so that everything is set up the way you want it.

Please note that only the “basics list” is included in the price of this service – shopping for the rest is billed separately (you pay for the time and items).

Step 4. When a place is found, you sign the rental agreement online (or in person).

The goal of our service is to enable you to do everything online, and we have systems in place that let you to sign the rental agreement online. This is when money changes hands. 

Being able to do this whole process online is an incredible saver of time, energy and hassle. This way you can just arrive and come straight to your new home, with everything set up. This can easily save you a month of time in a new country!

Safe online renting guarantee policy

In order to make it safe to rent a place online, we have a quarantee policy:

If, for whatever reason, you’re not happy with the place when you arrive, you can get out of any long-term rental agreement just by paying the rent for that month. We don’t ask you to commit to anything long-term without seeing the place. Of course, our job is to make sure that everything is as is promised and there are no surprises, but sometimes things just happen outside of anyone’s control. With this policy, you won’t be on the hook.

Of course, if there’s something clearly wrong with the place, it would be unfair to ask you to even pay for the one month. See scenario examples below!

A "one month rent only" scenario

You may have been under a lot of stress when preparing to move, and may not have had the mental space to fully focus on all the tiny details (been there!). The apartment you’ve rented through us is as described, and everything is… fine… but you just don’t feel the place as your own.

While we fully understand that this can happen, our partnering landlord might be unhappy with us for having taken their place off the market and keeping it reserved, just to have the deal fall through for no reason on their part.

For us, these situations are fine and we will definitely help you find another place. It’s also fair to compensate the landlord for their lost earnings, and this is why the one month rent is reasonable. We will do our best to figure out what would suit you better, and get back to work on finding a place that is a better fit for you.

A "money back" scenario

Let’s say that there was an apartment that was otherwise great, but it’s summer and air conditioning hasn’t yet been installed. We do all of our usual due diligence, everything checks out and the landlord agrees to have the air conditioning installed the day before you arrive.

He gets an external crew to do the installation, and gives them keys to get the job done on their own. Then, these guys decide that it’s cool to smoke indoors while they do the installation (this example wouldn’t even be that far fetched in Tbilisi!). When you arrive, the place has a horrible smell, and you know that if you stayed the smell would seep through into all of your clothes. We wouldn’t expect you to stay, or pay for the place!

In this scenario, it would fall on us to quickly find you an alternative temporary accommodation (not paying to rent one, but to help you find one). You would be bumped up first on our priority list of finding another long term rental, pronto.

Depending on how you feel this process goes, you can pay either nothing or something – while this scenario may not literally “be our fault”, it is our job to prevent these kinds of scenarios from happening in the first place. So, you decide whether we succeeded in creating value for you or not – and pay accordingly.

We are not here to make a quick buck. Instead, we really want to earn your long-term trust – that’s where the real value is. This is why our refunds policy is very much on your side – either we really earn your money, or you don’t need to pay.

Sovereign Landing vs. other moving services

There have always been services aiming to make it easier for people to move around. With the changing world, the old services may not cut it anymore. This is how we compare!

Relocation services

For long-term movers: people who get a traditional 9-5 job in a new location, then take their life in place X, load all of it into a moving truck or sea container and move it into place Y to stay. These services may or may not meet the needs of location independent “medium-term” movers.

Unnecessary services
Not aimed at nomads
Not always cost-efficient

Sovereign Landing

Built to facilitate a truly location independent lifestyle, in an indefinitely sustainable way. We serve the full cycle of arriving to, living in, and then moving on to a new place. Remove the hassle and stress of managing your physical possessions wherever you go, in a cost-optimized and efficient way.

Full service from landing to leaving
Manage everything online
Highly cost-efficient and specific

Luxury Concierge

The existing luxury concierge services are probably great, but they’re geared towards “the rich”. They can arrange whatever you need, including management of your fleet of private jets and yachts, with the accordant price tag – if you need to ask what it costs, you can’t afford it (be ready to drop 5 figures per year).

Wildly expensive / inefficient
Minimum 1 year subscription
Pricing purposefully hidden

Relocation services

For long-term movers: people who get a traditional 9-5 job in a new location, then take their life in place X, load all of it into a moving truck or sea container and move it into place Y to stay. These services may or may not meet the needs of location independent “medium-term” movers.

Unnecessary services
Not aimed at nomads
Not always cost-efficient

Sovereign Landing

Built to facilitate a truly location independent lifestyle, in an indefinitely sustainable way. We serve the full cycle of arriving to, living in, and then moving on to a new place. Remove the hassle and stress of managing your physical possessions wherever you go, in a cost-optimized and efficient way.

Full service from landing to leaving
Manage everything online
Highly cost-efficient and specific

Luxury Concierge

The existing luxury concierge services are probably great, but they’re geared towards “the rich”. They can arrange whatever you need, including management of your fleet of private jets and yachts, with the accordant price tag – if you need to ask what it costs, you can’t afford it (be ready to drop 5 figures per year).

Wildly expensive / inefficient
Minimum 1 year subscription
Pricing purposefully hidden

How did this service come to be?

Story of the founder

My name is Jaakko, and I was a customer of this business before it was cool even existed. I built this service because there was nothing like it, and I needed this. I’ve been location independent for almost 10 years, and I am painfully aware of the difficulties of this lifestyle. I had to do something to make my own life easier. I know I’m definitely not the only location independent person with the same recurring set of problems, so I hope these solutions work for you as well!

Story of the founder

My name is Jaakko, and I was a customer of this business before it was cool even existed. I built this service because there was nothing like it, and I needed this. I’ve been location independent for almost 10 years, and I am painfully aware of the difficulties of this lifestyle. I had to do something to make my own life easier. I know I’m definitely not the only location independent person with the same recurring set of problems, so I hope these solutions work for you as well!

One of the milestones by which you measure your financial success will be not just how many zeroes you can add to your net worth, but whether you can structure your affairs in a way that enables you to realize full individual autonomy and independence.

Sovereign Individual, a 1997 book by James Dale Davidson & Lord William Rees-Mogg

One of the milestones by which you measure your financial success will be not just how many zeroes you can add to your net worth, but whether you can structure your affairs in a way that enables you to realize full individual autonomy and independence.

Sovereign Individual, a 1997 book by James Dale Davidson & Lord William Rees-Mogg

Origin of the name "Sovereign Landing"

Let’s look at what these two words mean!


Sovereignty over your time and energy

As our customer, instead of spending huge amounts of time and energy worrying over basic things like finding an apartment, you gain sovereignty and freedom over the little things and can focus on what you do best.

Sovereign lifestyle

When you get on the move, you break the mental chains of quiet mediocrity – whether they be governmental, societal, social or just plain habitual. Being the sovereign master of your own destiny is priceless.

Sovereign Individual thesis

We want to accelerate the Sovereign Individual thesis, and we do so by making your life easier. When you have a lighter touch in any one country, the iron fist of the state also has a lighter touch on you. You benefit, we benefit, and the world is better off for it. Learn more in the High Future Preference blog.


Traveling light

No need to come with a moving truck. You’re able to land by an airplane – or you can even come by foot if you prefer. We can help with furniture, and when you leave, perhaps find a new owner or store it for your return.

Straight landing

Have a temporary (or permanent) home to land straight in, without needing to live an unknown amount of time in dodgy daily rentals while apartment hunting. Get straight into productivity, or just relax and enjoy the new country.

Pre- and post-landing help

This is often priceless when settling in a new country. Things work different, and having someone local on your side even before you land can be insanely useful, saving you from the high stress of all that moving hassle in a new country.











Our Mission

Fix the world – vote with your feet.
We pull forward the Sovereign Individual future of “10 000 Liechtensteins”, rather than just 200 legacy states. We accelerate this change by helping you vote for better life with the quickest and strongest voting mechanism: your feet.


Sovereign Landing founding story

Sovereign Landing founding story

Background: I’ve been a location independent entrepreneur since 2016. I started Sovereign Landing because I needed this to exist…