Author Bio: Jaakko

Long story short: I used to be a normie. Then, roughly 10 years ago I started down a different path, and there’s no going back. The current world trajectory makes location independent lifestyle a non-negotiable for me, and I’m trying to help myself and others to deal with this reality the best I can.

Author Bio: Jaakko

Long story short: I used to be a normie. Then, roughly 10 years ago I started down a different path, and there’s no going back. The current world trajectory makes location independent lifestyle a non-negotiable for me, and I’m trying to help myself and others to deal with this reality the best I can.

Click here to read my short story long!

For almost 35 years, I lived in Normieland. I went to a normie school, got good enough grades, then a good enough IT job, and progressed in my career to become a middle manager. Normal, almost good enough life in a normal Finnish town. Almost.

It wasn't me.

Or rather, it WAS me, but at a certain point it just wasn't working for me anymore. I had to start making different choices. First it was mostly outside forces that led me down a different path - still mostly life happening TO me.

Then the path started to bend more and more to my own active reasoning and decisions. Little by little and over time, I've become a master of my own destiny.

What changed?

At first, I just wanted to become a location independent entrepreneur, so that work wouldn't suck like it had in the corporate world. I started a few eCommerce businesses and became somewhat financially independent. It wasn't perhaps "life-changing riches" but enough to buy me the most important thing - my time.

In hindsight those hard early decisions have been absolutely life-saving. Sure there's also been some actual luck involved (it always plays some role!), but my general direction over the last 10 years hasn't been luck. I've had a plan - not a detailed one, but a directional one.

It's a plan that you too can follow, in your own way. It's about small steps at a time, in a steady direction - consistency. It's certainly been worth the trouble for me, and I've learned a ton - no shortage of topics to write about!

The world makes sense and you should act accordingly

I guess the way I differ most from the majority of "normies" is this: I feel that the current world events make sense. I might not be correct about everything, but at least my world view seems to have good explanation power. The way I see things allows me to act so I don't have to be a victim of the current circumstances.

While the current world situation does - understandably - make life difficult for many, just "going with the flow" is extremely likely to make things even more difficult for them. If you just take what is "given from above", you would do well to remember that shit flows downstream. However, if you understand what's going on and act accordingly, I think the future looks extremely bright!

Two blogs under the same site

The blog posts here are separated into two different blogs:

Sovereign landing official blog - the "how"

This is mostly actionable information aimed directly at the customers – what you’d expect to find in a blog of a business. Trying my best to avoid politics there 😉

High Future Preference - the "why"

Here I’m pushing my limits a bit, to help sharpen my own thinking. I may have to touch on politics here, although this is not a politics blog – the focus is on how we move away from politics.

High Future Preference is perhaps not aimed directly at customers, but I hope it will help others understand what’s going on in the world right now, and maybe even help some people make better directional choices – or at the very least feel a tiny bit less miserable and confused about the general state of things!

The future is bright, the future is orange! â‚¿

I don’t have a crystal ball and can’t tell you exactly “what’s going to happen”, but I feel the general direction of things is quite clear – and I believe that what is going on is very positive, despite all the short term shit that’s going on right now. Things will get better. Read on to see why and how!