You may or may not be aware that there is a problem with privacy and the current state of internet.

An average privacy policy is often 10 000 words long, designed to hide that it says pretty much the following:

“You have only the bare minimum rights absolutely required by the law – we will share everything we can with Google and other tracking services!”

This is the way the current internet is built, and it’s actually quite difficult to change that… but I think we should try.

I attempt to do that here.

This is my face…

Jaakko (Founder of Sovereign Landing, and your friendly Data Protection Officer)

…and you might ask wtf does that have to do with privacy?

I’m somewhat of a privacy nerd, and I would personally consider it extremely embarrassing if we ever leaked any customer information. I’m personally responsible for building the systems of Sovereign Landing, and I want you to know that we actually take your privacy seriously.

This goes beyond just having a cookie-cutter privacy policy, or paying lip service to privacy. We have privacy built-in to all of our systems from day zero. Unlike what may often happen, this business didn’t launch with questionable privacy practices that may be later half-fixed as an afterthought: your privacy has been respected since launch, and will be respected throughout the life of this business.

We truly value your privacy, and take it into consideration with every business decision. I personally believe that the ever-growing surveillance machinery, whether private or governmental, is something that needs to be challenged and fought against. 

So... what does that mean exactly?

It means many things, but here are the main points:

-We actively minimize the amount of data we collect on you

-The data we do collect is carefully considered and stored safely end-to-end, and kept offline when possible

-You can request to be forgotten (within reason: if you have active services, we do need to maintain the necessary data for those to conclude)

– We have clear systems in place how to actually destroy the data about you.

-When I built Sovereign Landing, I went out of my way to at least try to prevent information leaking to the big surveillance companies (such as Google). This is not a promise that it will absolutely not happen (not a straightforward thing technically!) but I’ve done my best.

What this doesn't mean

This should be obvious, but needs to be said after a stronger-than-usual privacy statement: we will fully co-operate with all reasonable & valid law enforcement requests. We will check that the request really is valid and legal, and will co-operate with any valid and targeted law enforcement investigations (while questioning the validity of any potential mass/blanket surveillance requests). We will comply with all lawful and reasonable law enforcement requests that we may receive, especially if there’s reason to believe our anti-criminal policy isn’t being adhered to. Criminals are not welcome here.

Tracking & analytics

We do have some lightweight tracking systems in place – not through Google or other tech giants, just some in-house tracking that only outputs anonymized data – but you do have a right to know, and to opt out of even that if you wish (by changing your cookie settings). Our tracking won’t follow your other activites outside this site, so it is harmless in that sense.

Allright, I think that covers the main things. We do of course have the “standard” privacy policy just to cover any possible legal requirements. I tried to make it as easy to read as possible. And in case you want to be forgotten (after any possible active services have concluded), you can request that below.

Information removal request

14 + 13 =