Working with Sovereign Landing - our expectations from Landlords

In exchange for our great benefits for landlords and the fact that you pay nothing for our service, we have some expectations of our own – nothing crazy, really just basic common sense stuff. The main thing that you as a landlord need to be aware is our safe online renting quarantee policy, and the fact that we cannot remove the market risk – we can only help you deal with it.

1. Be mindful of our Safe Online Renting quarantee policy (market risk)

We have a risk-reversal quarantee policy to lower the barrier for our customers to rent your place without seeing it first. As you can understand, committing to an expensive contract without seeing the place can be a big risk. To soften this risk, we promise our customers that if for some clear reason the place is totally not livable, they don’t have to pay. This is a business risk that ultimately you have to carry – but if you keep your place as it was when we checked it out, you don’t have anything to worry about.

In cases where the customer doesn’t like the place for a “reason of their own”, they can get out of the contract by just paying for that month. During that time we will do our best to find you a new tenant as soon as possible – but can’t guarantee that this will happen. The market risk is ultimately carried by you – just like it would be without Sovereign Landing. While we cannot guarantee 100% occupancy, we will help you with setting up your place and pricing it in a competitive way so that you have the best chance of finding tenants.

2. Fulfill your basic landlord duties well

Being a landlord isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard either. The main thing we require is that you take care of your basic landlord duties well: if something in your apartment breaks or needs fixing or maintenance, you take care of it promptly.

What “promptly” means depends on the situation, and we don’t want to have any fast and hard rules around this, but here’s how you should look at the relationship between you and the tenant: you are a service provider to the tenant, who is your customer. Your job as a landlord is to make sure your customer stays happy – which in a normal tenant/landlord relationship mostly means making sure things work and then staying out of the way. Easy!

3. A fully furnished apartment should be fully furnished

Not all apartments need to be fully or even partly furnished. If you advertise your apartment as fully furnished, it should be so. This doesn’t have to be expensive or even complicated. We can help with this, and help you source stuff that may be missing (lists coming). A well-furnished apartment should have everything your customer needs, so that when they arrive to a new country with just hand luggage, they can stay in the apartment without having to put “go shop for missing necessities” as the first item on their todo-list.

4. If you have things, make sure those things work

This is especially true with kitchen equipment. A common issue with daily rentals is “Instagramification” – they are made to look good in the marketing photos, but things break apart when you scratch the surface. The stuff you have in a fully furnished apartment should be optimized for use, not for photos or checking a box on a list with the cheapest possible barely functional option. Quality matters – get stuff that you would use.

5. What we don’t require

As you can tell, the biggest thing to consider here is the safe online renting policy – all the rest is really common sense stuff. Our idea of a well-furnished apartment doesn’t mean that the fridge should also be filled – consumables are not part of the deal. You also don’t need to cater for any and all wants of your customers – just have what any normal person would need. If our customers have very specific requirements, we will do their shopping for them, or let them handle it personally. It is enough to have generic (but good quality) things!

If you do want to go above and beyond with your offering, that may be a good way to differentiate your apartment in the market – but we do not require you to do so. Good quality basic apartments are very much in demand, and at the end of the day our requirements are very simple.

Answers to common questions

Is this really for free?

This isn't "for free", but this service is offered to you without a direct payment to us. You may need to invest some money into perhaps slightly better equipment, but we don't require anything crazy. The main thing is to take care of the customer satisfaction of our mutual customers. That requires investment of time and energy, as well as living with some degree of market risk. If we all play our parts right, the total should work out much better than just you taking your chances with random people on the open market.

Will I have a contractual relationship with Sovereign Landing?

Nah, not really. We work together for mutual benefit - this is a two-way street. We play nice, you play nice, our mutual customer (your tenant) benefits, and then we make nice steady profits over time. If this doesn't work out for some reason, we're not going to be dragging you to court, so the "contract" between you and Sovereign Landing is a symbolic contract of understanding. The legally enforceable contracts will be between you and the tenants. We will help you with this paperwork.