High Future Preference blog origin

High Future Preference blog origin

Written by Jaakko

Location independent entrepreneur since 2016. Semi-perpetual traveler, hates traveling (changing countries, not being in them). Started Sovereign Landing to help cope with this issue.

July 6, 2024

Sovereign Landing is built in – and for – a broken world

When starting Sovereign Landing, I felt there is much that needs to be said about location independent lifestyle, the current difficulties with not being nomadic, and the problems and solutions to the societal mess(es) we're in.

The problems in our world might – and I argue should – induce (many, not all) people to move to other countries. In this sense these larger topics are extremely relevant to the Sovereign Landing as business, and to the positive change I want to accelerate through this service.

Our societies have become a mess – but we can fix this

Even though some of these topics might sound “political” on the surface, and in a larger context perhaps they are, this is not a political blog per se. Party politics is just a fight over how to share the loot taken from productive people. I don’t want to participate in that “discussion”, and neither should anyone.

Politics is the very reason why we’re in the current mess in the first place. This was already figured out over 200 years ago by Alexander Fraser Tytler:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

This dictatorship prediction was understandable. While it remains a very real threat, there is hope. The people seem to be waking up to the new reality that “our leaders” (in any country) don’t seem to have the faintest idea of what they’re doing. They most certainly don’t have any “grand master plan” in place.

The people in power are not in control

This is a good thing, because the current “western leadership” is mostly central planners. This might sound like a radical statement because it doesn’t fit the official old narrative that “the west is capitalist”, but if you look at what they say and do, it’s all different shades of central planning. As a powerful single piece of evidence, just look at this article. This quote from this so called "economic expert" points to the crux of the matter:

International tax competition is not some kind of law of nature,” Zucman said. “And just like we can choose competition, we can also choose coordination.”

This crystallizes the thinking of the mostly-western leadership: if we all just hold our breath, ignore all basic tenets of economic reality and central plan as hard as we can, we can make it work. I think we’ve heard that before?

If these people had a real, intelligent master plan (they don’t), it would have to start with a requirement of full-blown totalitarianism. Without that, their central planning schemes won’t work even on paper.

These neo-Marxist central planners can choose to ignore reality, but reality won’t ignore them. Competition between countries (taxation being one tiny part of that) has always been real, is very real currently, and will only increase in the future. It is not something they can wish – or force – away. This is what will save us from their totalitarian nightmare.

We’re living through the second death of the Soviet Union

Knowing that these people do not know what they are doing, and that they are in power but not in control, just places more responsibility on us who see through the smoke and mirrors and want to do something positive. The current economic system is unsustainable, which is becoming increasingly clear to anyone but the "experts". The “elites” responsible for it now will not be in a position to save you after this unsustainability has run its course.When the Soviet Union collapsed, people first thought that those ideas were now done and could be relegated to the waste basket of history. Unfortunately we weren’t that lucky. The ideas behind that mess were just exported to the west. It happened mostly through the universities, from where they went directly into the politics, and are now making life miserable for everyone. The current situation with the “fiat world order” is painfully similar with the Soviet Union in the 1980s. It was:

  1. Definitely unsustainable and barely functional (central planning didn’t work then, just as it doesn’t now)
  2. The problems had progressed too far to hide the cracks
  3. People were starting to wake up to the new reality

…and still, the old system held on to it’s power until it finally unraveled completely. Even in late 1980s before the collapse, when the problems were painfully obvious and situation too long gone, it was still a very bad idea to discuss any of it out loud within the Soviet sphere of power.

We don’t have to repeat the old mistakes

While things may seem bleak, the overall situation is still much brighter than it was in the late Soviet Union. The borders are wide open for you to exit. Nobody’s gonna shoot you climbing over the wall – what a fortunate situation to be in! And even though freedom of speech is being actively fought against by most western governments, we can still speak quite freely about these topics without fear of being thrown in jail. That’s exactly what I intend to do with this blog.

I’m also an optimist and believe that the night is darkest before the dawn. This blog is less about the problems, and more about the solutions. We’ve never had the current abundance of great solutions within reach!

This blog exists for two reasons:

  1. To help you to ignore the clown class who think they are the masters of the universe. They’re clearly not. Their lies need to be disassembled.
  2. We – the productive people – need to build systems that actually help others: non-fiat systems built on solid foundations and time-tested principles. Let’s talk less about the politicians and more about this!

Thanks for reading to the end, and welcome to High Future Preference!

Bit of a pre-emptive FAQ

As some (or all) of the ideas in this post are radically different from the prevailing mainstream thinking, people can easily jump into wrong conclusions. I’ll try to dispell some of the most easily predictable knee-jerk reactions here…

No democracy huh? What then, fascism? With you as the dictator of course?

A basic mechanism of brainwashing propaganda are false dichotomies: trapping your thinking into a box that isn't real. This is a common example.

The state-owned schooling and media system has taught most people that democracy is the only societal system that allows for freedom, and all other systems are varying degrees of "non-free". This is very much not true, as I will demonstrate in some later post(s). There should be no "fascism", or any kind of violent repression of people.

In this regard, democratic systems are actually failing, and it's not a coincidence - it's a fully predictable systemic failure. The realistic alternatives have nothing to do with fascism, or dictators for that matter. We actually need to go the opposite way, and start respecting human rights for real - unlike now, with politicians doing lip service to human rights while working as part of a system that is actually built to trample on these rights.

But everything's political - including this blog, even though you say it isn't!

The saying "everything is political" is true in a system that has politics affecting all aspects of people's lives - what used to be called "communism". Unfortunately, as I said in the post, these ideas didn't die with the USSR, they were just exported to the west. This development (regression really) has proceeded very far and deep into our societies, which makes this saying apply a little bit too well in our time. Things shouldn't be this way. It is unfortunately very hard to talk about anything societal without stumbling directly into politics.

This process has fortunately not gone all the way. Not quite everything is political, and we should do everything in our power to wrestle the dirty influence of politicians out of our lives. However, I don't believe that to be a realistic goal within democratic systems - you need to exit in order to do this.

In an optimal world, this blog wouldn't be political at all - but we need to recognize reality for what it is and act accordingly. That's why these "political" topics need to be discussed, so that we can recognize them for what they are, hopefully put them behind us, and then move forward in a constructive, non-violent way.

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